

Hi!  I'm Sarah and guess what, I'm fat!!  I have a beautiful son and I'll be damned if he grows up thinking that Mom can't go play with him.  I don't want to be lazy - I want to be a go-getter!  I don't want to have to worry what other Mom's may think of me, if I'll be able to ride that roller coaster with my kid (hopefully one day kids), and dammit, I want to wear some cute ass clothes!!

Here's the low down...

Chubby in High School, but eh, pretty fit - I was active and constantly going.  Just made poor food choices.

Gained the Freshman 15 and then some - ugh!

Car Accident - Wheelchair bound for 2.5 months.  Can we say weight gain?!?!  Weight GAIN!

Few years later, finally wanted a damn husband so got fit again and lost about 30-40 lbs.

Got husband and gained it all back and so did he.  Whaa...whaa...

Wanted a baby, so dropped the pounds.

Got pregnant!  Hooray!  Love you Sprout!

And now post baby I realized, shit - I can't keep doing this.  I didn't gain all the weight back from pre-baby loss, but came close.  I REFUSE to give in and this time, I'm seeing it through to the end, which is essentially forever.  

I don't believe in diets cause they eventually end and you go back to what caused you to gain weight to begin with.

I believe in permanent lifestyle changes.  

You know why people are thinner than me?  Cause they are more active and eat better.  Not that hard to do!  Just gotta get off my damn butt!  Here's to it!

Check out my Goals page for what I am working on right now.

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